#the life and times of skywarp
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karanseraph · 6 months ago
How many Titans do we need? (Transformers)
A list of Titans, from various continuities, which may not even be up to date in the sense it doesn't reflect the Titan Class toys of Decepticon Nemesis and Autobot Ark.
Planet    Associations  Titan
Antilla    history, rust, Alpha Trion   Croaton? 
Aquatron   water, Quintus Prime   Quintessa (Necrotitan)
Aquatron (Jellyfish City)  water     Hydratron
Arduria    cold, Alchemist Prime   Metrobase
Athenia -> colonies  Mobile Battleship    Grand Maximus
Biosphera (Eukaris, Animatron) jungle, Onyx Prime   Chela
Biosphera (Eukaris, Animatron) jungle, Scourge    Hyperborea
Botropolis (a comet)  guard     Botropolis?
Caminus (a moon)  forge, hammer, Solus Prime  Caminus
Combatron? (or Cybertron?) war, Alchemist Prime   Iaconus
Cybertron (Argon Sea)  horror     Dweller
Cybertron -> colonies  Mobile Cybertronian Embassy  Lodestar
Cybertron -> Earth  Mobile Seeker Station   Trypticon (Nemesis ship)
Devisun    combination, enigma, Nexus Prime  Devisun
Earth (Pacific NW US)  Mobile Ark Annex   Metrobase
Earth (Central US)  power, Ultra Magnus   Metroplex
Earth (Eastern US)  cube (sport), Scorch? Wedge?  Citadel Secundus
Earth (Atlantic)        Atlantis
Earth (Japan)        Brave Maximus
Elba (Garrus-9)   Mobile prison of Liege Maximo, Elita-1 Carcer (Vigilem)
Elonia    protection, Star Saber, Prima  Emissary
Gigantron   size, bridge-building   Citadel Lemuria
Gorlam Prime   death,     Necrotitan (Quintessa)
Junkion    gravity? Requiem Blaster? ???
LV-117    time, Vector Prime   Tempo 
Micron (Prion, Zone)  size, Mini-Cons, Micronus Prime  Prion
Nebulos (Dominus, Master)      Fortress Maximus
Nebulos (Dominus, Master) Zarak     Scorponok
Paradron   peace     Cargohold 
Szoria    apocalyses    Waypoint
Theophany (New Crystal City) light     Metrotitan
Titan (a moon)        Metrotitan
Tsiehshi    destruction, Megatronus   Emissary
Unicron    Galvatron    Nemesis (Titan)
Velocitron   speed, Amalgamus Prime   Navitas Delta (Ogygia)
This seems way too many to keep track of for one "All Media Types" continuity soup fanfic continuity. So, I need to combine where I can and reduce the list to the best most interesting and necessary ones.
(Soon, I have characters out scouting to find which ones are being built first.)
Opinions on which are most interesting or necessary?
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karanseraph · 5 months ago
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I have a sincerely held belief (headcanon) that Skywarp has photovoltaic filaments below his helmet and that they appear rather like Chiana's hair. Like, that transwarp ability and the mapping/modeling/maths he must do to use it accurately must be such a power and processing suck that he needs a way to re-energize. (And if he seems dim now and then it's just his processor being taxed by all the calculations.)
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megatron animation wip for a megop thing I'm making
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karanseraph · 7 months ago
What should Unitrex be like?
There's not much canon on this fictional location other than they built starships there
Whatever I write in a fanfic will not be canon anyway
I still want it to be an interesting fictional location that I can describe within a work in internally consistent ways.
It's known as City of the Stars. Famously the place of origin for interstellar travel, at least as far as Cybertronians of the time know. That's canon.
Headcanon applied to this fic: Unitrex is a bastion (star) fort surviving from some Age of Origins/Warring states type period, but where Quintessons may have embedded themselves and so Cybertronians had to fight to take it back in the Age of Wrath. So, it likely has some preserved historic features as well as new construction in some differing style.
In this fan-continuity for a fic it's also presently (in a post-wrath Golden Age/Cusp of Expansion Era a location where at least one Titan is being constructed.
Also, in fanfic, there's a particular sparkfield nearby which various witnesses have reported substrate is being removed, presumably for inclusion inside the Titan(s). To some this is sacrilege, or at least politically incorrect given that sparkfields are a gift from god/public good.
So, there is a current culture of protest and debate surrounding the Titan project.
But Unitrex is also just a city-state in general. It must have some culture.
Like, it's the place where ships are made, but not the main spaceport for the planet, which is currently atop the Hydrax Plateau (which probably makes sense for its more equatorial latitude and ability for ships to ditch into the Sea of Rust and miss destroying urban settlements in an emergency. If you went down or had launch failure in Unitrex (in this continuity) there's some chance of missing the Sea and splattering into Tagan Heights, which sounds painful.)
It's not necessarily where pilots hang out is what I'm saying. It's got a population dense with construction workers and engineers.
And they probably want entertainment, because as much as they love their construction efforts that's probably some heavy labor. It's probably stressful dealing with working on what is essentially a government contract. All these change orders and reports!
So, maybe City of the Stars also has like rockstars and idols. We established that Rosanna had been living in Iacon (some ways west) but in real life different cities each have their own scene, right? Unitrex can have stars even if Iacon or Vos also do. It probably just doesn't involve as much Shock-Pop, pole-dancing, or Jazz, or open mic poetry that other city-states are known for.
But guitar-condor Laserbeak flies with Ramjet's team in Untrex. So, probably there's some type of Rock/Metal scene.
Also, visually, and for inspiration, like a space robot Seoul + Amsterdam (the Netherlands has a lot of bastion forts). In terms of Geography, more resembling Seoul with Unitrex's position between a fortified cliff-face at the Rust Sea border at the south and the rise of Tagan Heights north, with one major river or canal passing through. But in terms of generally being a major city with its own music scene and nightlife surely both these cities qualify. Colorful buildings. Colorful lights at night. Historic structures that are more rectilinear plus new public structures that are quite abstract and curvilinear.
Do we suppose Loudpedal lives here?
Mixmaster is among those spotted nearby so there's possibly circuit altering neurotech (CANT) available.
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graciousdragon · 1 year ago
now that i'm thinking about when fate comes knocking again i have to talk about how fucking funny the matrix reference doors from chapter 1 became post-twosday. the guy behind the green door was the only character in the entire series that wasn't played by sky and he just showed up for five seconds and foreshadowed her transition. if i was charlie i'd wake up laughing every morning
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karanseraph · 7 months ago
I think when I do this, it's often them just saying the name itself, like a certain character will just say "Amalgamous!" if that's the Prime they happen to relate to.
But Cas continued, "But fragging Fallen! Hotlink was not kidding. He knows exactly…he's really good at it!"
Shadowcaster, being the spooky kid, uses Fallen for an extra explicit exclamation.
But sometimes the saying thematically matches the thing they are commenting on, like:
Swindle started...crying? He rubbed his rounded digits over his big purple optics. "Bitstream, you're really hurting my feelings with your dirty, icky interfacin' humor." "For the love of Maximo!" Slipstream groaned.
Slipstream is invoking Maximo as the Prime she considers related to manipulative language when Swindle shows faux-offense.
Also, in my current WIP fic, they have a Vectra Prime as opposed to Vector Prime and Seekers in particular often swear by her saying "Vectra!" or "Vectra knows [why unexpected thing happened]"
Slipstream laughed. "You were considerate and professional?" "It was Skywarp! He needed real help. I wasn't going to play a trick on him or- I worked through a diagnostic terminal for Vectra's sake!"
Bitstream who totally would hack and dive other bots is saying she used appropriate data hygiene methods when working with fellow Seeker Skywarp, for Vectra's sake. Pre-war Seekers like Vectra because she's said to have been an air-frame. (Also, they may superstitiously worry that if one messes with current teleporter Skywarp that somehow legendary teleporter Vectra will be particularly offended.)
Cybertronian Colloquialisms - Primes Edition
So we've all heard "By the AllSpark!" or "What in the Pit?" or "Oh Primus" in our TF media. However, I feel like TF writers are missing out on the goldmine that is colloquialisms invoking the different Primes. So, here is a small collection of such colloquialisms, and please, feel free to add more if you have any of your own you use.
"Primus below!" - Exclamation similar to "God above!", invoking the fact that Primus is the core of Cybertron.
"Vector give me patience" - Often paired with "because if Prima gives me strength, I'm going to need bail money." The go-to for when somebot if getting on your last nerves.
"To Alchemist!" - A popular drinking toast, to thank Alchemist Prime for inventing high grade.
"The Three Below" - Refers to Solus, Onyx, and Micronus, the three Primes who formed the Well of AllSparks
"Maximum Blessings on you" - a stealth insult/curse from some dialects, where "Maximum" and "Maximo's" are nearly indistinguishable. As Liege Maximo was the Prime of Lies and Trickery, it's a fitting way to wish someone ill.
“Solus’s slag pit” - Used for something incredible, awful, and incredibly awful. Often used to refer to the latest high society fashion mess.
"Find peace or take it up with the Fallen." - In other words, calm down or screw off.
“As you say, my Liege” - A condescending remark towards a person who’s attempting to lie, cheat or mislead.
Again, if you have any primal colloquialisms you use for your fics, reblog and share them with the rest of us.
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coderiderr · 2 years ago
Not gonna bother editing the meme but like me holding up starscream & tc above the water, skywarp drowning, all the other seekers as the skeleton chained to the bottom
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penny-anna · 3 months ago
G1 megops wedding episode
Exterior: Autobot base
Megatron: Autobots! lay down your weapons. I didn't come here to fight.
Optimus: then what do you want, Megatron?
Megatron: I grow weary of this war. I propose a truce - in accordance with the ancient laws of Cybertron.
*Autobots all gasp*
Spike: what does that mean?
Bumblebee: under the ancient law, a war can be conclusively ended by the leaders of the opposing sides getting married
Spike: oh wow!
Prowl: Optimus, don't listen to him, this is very obviously a trap
Optimus: you're probably right, Prowl, but if there's even the slightest chance of ending this ceaseless war, I must take it.
Optimus: very well, Megatron! I accept.
Interior: Decepticon base
(Megatron is being pinned into a bridal gown by the Constructicons)
Megatron: excellent. everything is going according to my plan. as soon as Optimus and I are wed, we will attack the Autobots. in accordance with the ancient law they will be unwilling to attack their leader's husband so I will defeat them easily. and then I will rule the universe!
Starscream: you know, Megatron, as your maid of honour, I think roses would be a more elegant choice for the bouquet than lillies
Megatron: we're planning an ambush, Starscream, I don't care about the flowers
Starscream: look I just think if we're going to do this we should do it properly
Starscream: and can I just say, as your maid of honour, you have a lot of cheek wearing white!
Interior: Autobot medbay
Optimus: Ratchet, I need to talk to you about the wedding
Ratchet: oh it's about time. Optimus I trust your judgement and all but this whole thing is completely -
Optimus: will you be my best man
Ratchet, audibly choked up: it would be my honour
Exterior: blasted wilderness
(The wedding party is assembled. Optimus Prime is wearing a tuxedo jacket and bowtie and is standing with his best man and 2 of his groomsmen) (Jazz & Prowl, also wearing bowties)
(Rumble is coming down the aisle. he is the flower girl and he is taking his job very seriously. both the Autobot and Decepticon sides are getting pelted aggressively with flowers)
Sparkplug Witwicky: remind me again why I'm officiating?
Ratchet: well you're a neutral party
Sparkplug: ah this is all pretty weird
Jazz: I wonder where Bumblebee and Spike are? they wouldn't want to miss the ceremony
(Soundwave begins blasting an approximation of the wedding march as Megatron walks down the aisle with his maid of honour (Starscream) and bridesmaids (Skywarp & Thundercracker)
Sparkplug: uh okay. dearly beloved -
Megatron: you don't have to do the whole preamble, human. Ravage! the rings!!
(Ravage comes over with the rings in his mouth)
Megatron: now, with this ring I thee -
(Bumblebee comes racing over to the wedding party. Spike leaps out)
Spike: stop, stop!
Bumblebee: we object!
Spike: you can't go ahead with the wedding! Megatron is already married, and we can prove it!
Megatron: Starscream you told me you got the divorce finalised
Starscream: I thought you were doing that. weren't you doing that?
Megatron: how are you this incompetent
Rumble: wait so does this mean we aren't ambushing the Autobots
Rumble: well are we?
Megatron: oh let's just skip it all - Decepticons, attack!
Interior: Autobot headquarters
(The humans are eating wedding cake)
Spike: well at least we got cake?
Bumblebee: yeah this could have gone worse
Carly: I thought it was a lovely ceremony up until all the violence
Jazz: at least this way you don't have to spend the rest of your life married to that bum Megatron. right, Optimus?
(Optimus is looking sadly at his wedding ring)
Optimus: yes. that's right.
(roll credits)
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revelboo · 4 months ago
Thanks! How about Seekers x Reader full alternate take?
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True Romance
Trine x Reader
Warnings: 18+ storyline 🌶️
• Wings shearing through branches as he drops dangerously low, he can feel his damaged wing screaming at him. He’s losing altitude, paralleling the roads, turbines screaming as he hears those two Autobots dogging him. Knows Thundercracker and Skywarp are headed his way, but not knowing how far out they still are. There’s a car up ahead and he passes by so low his belly scrapes and that’s it. That little wobble and he’s transforming, knees gouging up asphalt as he claws at the ground to stop his slide and he’s barely aware of the car running off the road into the tree line, because there’s the Autobots, weapons drawn on him.
• Groaning, you struggle with the seatbelt, and almost fall out of the car when you get the door open. Your head is pounding, a confused terror spinning you tight, because a jet had almost landed on your car. Shaking fingers reaching up to touch your head where it smacked against the steering wheel and come away wet as you manage to stagger up onto the road and just freeze. Brain refusing to deal with what you’re seeing, because you definitely have a concussion. There’s not three giant, robot monsters in a stand off. Staggering when you try to crane your neck you almost fall in front of the biggest one. The one with jet wings.
• Reacting, he snags the little human as it falls and holds it between him and the Autobots, shielding his spark with it. He can feel its little hands scrabbling at his servos, a pained noise escaping it as it struggles against his grip. But his little impromptu shield works. The Autobots freeze, unwilling to risk a human life, just like he’d hoped. And there, the familiar sound of turbines. Now it’s the Autobots transforming and fleeing as Skywarp and Thundercracker land and attack and his tension drains away. Using a servo to tip the little human’s face toward him, he vents softly. You might just come in handy, a little pet shield. Even if you hadn’t meant to, you’d saved him. For that and that alone, you’ll live.
• “Is that a human?” Thundercracker asks, reaching out as Starscream huffs and hands it over. It’s so small and warm in his servos, trying to curl into a terrified ball as he traces the curve of its spine. Terrified eyes stare up at him, a wound on its head sluggishly bleeding. Hurt and needing him. “Can we keep it?”
• There’s three of them, all similar enough aside from coloration. The black and purple one leaning in to try and grab you from the blue one whose wings lift with a low rumbling sound like a growl that rattles through you. You’re having a hard time focusing on what they’re saying, your head pounding and you just want to sleep, because this will be over when you wake. It’s all just a nightmare. It has to be.
• “We’re keeping it?” Skywarp vents in annoyance when Thundercracker tries to keep the human from him. Like he thinks he’s going to break it just by looking. “Why?” It’s tiny, pathetic and soft. Weak.
• “Because it’s mine,” Starscream says in exasperation, lifting a shoulder experimentally and hissing as his damaged wing pulls. Then Skywarp is there, sliding his arm around him. While he can’t reliably warp to new places, he can unerringly warp home at least. And Starscream reaches for their other brother, gripping Thundercracker’s arm as they warp home with their new pet.
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karanseraph · 5 months ago
This reinforces my headcanon that "Starscream" from Beast Wars II is just a Skywarp. (And coy is equally as valid as Skywarp personality as thug or coward, etc.)
To the point that, when I wrote The Life and Times of Skywarp, Skywarp usually had magenta-red or pink optics and darkly painted lips (because Gothic Icon and magic) but he deployed an amber visor and a mask in some scenes (like to avoid pollen or Sparkless).
So now it's just normal this is how Skywarp looks.
Trading cards with the designs of some background characters from Transformers One (Part 3/4)
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DISCLAIMER The images come from the website tfw2005.com and are Trading Cards made by Chinese company Kayou
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kitts-mechanix · 3 months ago
I just had a huge realisation yesterday and I wanted to share this after going through some pretty horrible stuff over the weekend: Something I've always asked myself ever since getting into G1 Transformers was "why do you like Starscream so much even though he's a narcissistic bully? Why are you, someone who is a victim of narcissistic abuse, taking comfort in a narcissistic character?" Well, I think I finally figured it out. Because Starscream is also a victim of that very same abuse. I mean, he's beaten, called names, bullied, unappreciated, abused, and put through the wringer…and he internalised all that abuse because he knew no other way. He had no one to turn to, and the few bots who did support him, he treated like dirt. Once he had that freedom and power, he abused it and became the very thing that abused him. I have no doubt he was always self-centred, selfish, had a huge ego, etc. before all that but honestly? I think Megatron's abuse caused him to turn out the way he did. I could have turned out that way and it's a little scary, some of the parallels I'm drawing with him.
@ichbinmeltdown wrote a great analysis on Starscream that I want to share here:
"Megatron was abusive as hell to Starscream. He treated him horribly, and I legitimately almost cried a few times watching it. There's an episode called Starscream's Brigade that introduces the Combaticons, and I think that perfectly demonstrates the cycle of abuse. The entire world is against Starscream at pretty much every turn throughout the series, but none more so than Megatron. Every word out of his speech synthesizer to Starscream is to berate him, and he's constantly throwing him around, beating him, even ripping out his speech synthesizer in a scene from a previous episode (Hoist Goes Hollywood, IIRC). His own teammates don't like him, and even his brothers- Skywarp and Thundercracker, going off of the idea they're brothers- just... allow Megatron to abuse him. (Not to get into headcanons here, but I personally believe that Megatron's abuse fractured the Elite Trine's family dynamic. They are still brothers and love each other, but they're all too afraid of Megatron to really... stand up for each other as they did in the past.) And Starscream seemed to just snap in this episode. He treated the Combaticons poorly, and even when teaming up with Shockwave, he subjected him to a lot of the same ridicule and torment that Megatron put him through. He failed to realize Shockwave was the one of the only bots who would give him a chance- and unfortunately lashed out at him, which ruined his chances of Shockwave ever being a true friend and ally to him. Once Starscream had finally gotten a taste of power and not being under another bot's boot, he too became the very thing that he lived in fear of. And that really is how the cycle goes- when you're finally free from abuse, it can be tempting to overcompensate and take back all the power you were robbed of, at any cost whatsoever. Starscream, like D16 in Transformers One, snapped up this opportunity."
And the sad thing is, I've seen this in real life and I've internalised some of the abuse I've dealt with too. I'm not proud of it. Like the Seeker Trine, my own family dynamic has been fractured by similar abuse. I know there's traces of narcissism in my behaviour too, and I'm NOT proud of it. Maybe this is why I can forgive Starscream for being a narc, because I can see a little bit of my own personality/attitude/behaviour in him. Maybe it's because I know where it came from, I get why he acts that way and it's not just random and out of the blue. Maybe it's because--and I know this is a bold statement--I don't think he would do some of the stuff my own family did to me (blah blah blah he's a fictional character).
I didn't mean for this to turn into a long rant, so
TLDR: I finally figured out that part of the reason I love and relate to Starscream so much despite him internalising some of the abuse I went through, is because he was the victim of that same abuse.
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zeropro · 3 months ago
since you've already shared your opinion on thundercracker, could you please tell us your thoughts about skywarp? 🙏🙏(btw absolutely love how you draw him❤❤)
haha, hm…I don’t really care much for canon skywarp! sorry! I fell in love with this character while reading starscream fan fiction, I had very little opinion on him at all prior. he wasnt in TFPrime, and Earthspark’s skywarp was completely forgettable. yeah, I think the most ive seen of him in canon is idw1, and haha, he sure is a guy who is in that comic sometimes. he sure does shoot thundercracker for not wanting to genocide a whole city. 
the fun thing with skywarp in fan fiction is his lack of any real canon characterisation means he can really be whatever you need him to be to round out your home brew seeker trine dynamic. most fics write him as the most emotionally open of the three, sorta acts like the glue that keeps starscream and thundercracker from breaking apart, sorta like their kid brother. i like a skywarp that is just a silly little guy who just wants to have a good time and actually cares about his trine and canon skywarp… decidedly is not that XD 
which i guess is fair, skywarp does spend a lot of time getting betrayed by the other seekers in most media. earthspark starscream left skywarp and nova storm behind when attempting to escape GHOST, idw skywarp calls both thundercracker and starscream traitors to their face, cyberverse starscream slorped all the seekers when he absorbed the allspark, and lets not even talk about what skybound starscream did to him while he begged for his life. there never seems to be much love between the seekers in any media, despite them referring to each other as brothers, which is a real shame in my opinion. I havent yet gotten to the part in idw where thundercracker writes a screenplay about starscream and casts skywarp to play starscream, but that does sound like somethjng hilarious to look forward to, as I’m kind of just really wanting to see my boys have a positive canon interaction for once lol. 
apparently skywarp features really prominently in dreamwave, even becoming leader of the decepticons at certain points?? but I don’t plan to read those comics. I did read the wiki tho, and like honestly? good for him uwu
the most consistent character traits for skywarp in pretty much all fanfiction is that he is 1) a prankster and 2) he’s stupid, or is at least thought to be.  turns out both these traits are canon to his character spanning way back to his toy description!
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((also thank you im glad you like how i draw skywarp ngl I think a major factor in why I like skywarp so much is because I really like my design for him, like?? am I allowed to find my own drawrings cute??? he’s so cute omg just look at him! he’s my boy!!! he’s my aaaaaahhh!!!!!!))
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yayasvalveplay · 2 months ago
seeker heats mid war...
The agitation. They start acting less coherent. Getting angry over the slight shift of their plating. But they can't take off the armor! They are stuck. Extremely horny for like a week and it gets painful but they don't have time.. releasing that sickly sweet smell that sticks if they choose to nest in a cave or a canyon. Probably causing a bit to think that there's a seeker nearby but it was the results of them staying there for a while
Imagine their sudden recklessness gets them caught? Starscream getting so angry at the seekers that he miscounts how many days they stayed. And they probably go willing because Megatron doesn't care his military is hindered by extreme horniness (lmao). Starscream and the trine lead the small march it takes. To get to wherever the autobots are.
And said autobots are confused... why are they so calm? They're only irritated? What's that smell?
Or tldr. Seekers join the autobots because their heat hit at the worst time and they get taken care of there rather than ignored in the deception ranks
*Me looks at the amount of ships I have grabbed for these seekers alone* Oh, the entire arc/ those that are willing. taking care of the pretty birds needs. Starscream alone had garnered a harem. Bumblebee, Ratchet, Skyfire, and Mirage, along with their mates. Skywarp and Thundercracker getting taken care of by the others who are willing to pop their pannels.
The only one in the Nemisis who isn't happy about the seekers. mostly Starscream leaving, is Soundwave. Image just in the middle of a meeting Soundwave storms out after showing life feed of the seekers getting railed in the communal area. The feed is still showing when Soundwave gets there and JOINS.
Megatron and the rest of the Decepticon cast are just horrified, and no one knows how to turn it off.
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karanseraph · 7 months ago
I like this idea very much. I like that Ravage is the one there to translate if needed, because often Soundwaves and Ravages are pretty close.
But I also kinda want to write about my concept for a Soundwave who is also (at least for the story so far) non-verbal and has various ways of communicating and who is a fictional robot not intended to one-for-one represent a specific human disability or difference.
This Soundwave, we'll call them Aquatron Soundwave, or Wave, for short. They are a lot like other Soundwaves, but originated on the planet Aquatron under circumstances the Cybertronians from Cybertron aren't 100% sure about. (Hail Quintus!) They have a blue+purple deco that has a wave interference pattern across it that reads like rippling water camo. They have 5 tentacles, two arms, and two legs. They were missing their faceplate, but retained four amber optics.
Soundwave was discovered during a Space Bridge Corps intelligence mission which, in the tropey way of things, was supposed to be surveillance and information-gathering only, but when the SB-7 team discovered Wave damaged and imprisoned they made the call to rescue them which brought a whole lot of Sharkticons in to attack them and they had to make a mad-dash escape, which cost them the heroic veteran Captain Lockdown (right?).
One way they were able to communicate was by partially assimilating another bot and using that link to speak through the other bot. This was initially done without her consent out of desperation, but Wave quickly adapted to respecting consent.
Another way they were able to communicate was, in water, they could use what functioning sonic systems they had left to call Leviacons to assist them. (Aquaman vibes?)
Anyway, Wave, received repairs on Cybertron courtesy the Space Bridge Corps. But, their medical staff (mostly Scalpel and Red Alert) could only do so much without parts. There was no currently available vocalizer, especially for a bot from Aquatron who's verbal communication may have functioned differently from the start (like possibly adapted to underwater communication).
Wave then took time to acquire and assimilate replacement parts. One of the parts they assimilated was an existing turbofox trophy head Howlback gave them, which gave Wave a new face/head details that is neither turbofox nor typical Cybertronian bot faceplate but has some angular and broad features and sharp dentition (still four optics, but noticeably angular in shape). They cover this up with additional mask and visor. (They may have gotten some turbofox sounds like geckering, shrieking, wow wow, they could use to call for attention if they wished.)
Another of the ways they would communicate was by assimilating/embedding a datapad into their arm and displaying strings of text and code. (Similar to Prime Soundwave, but they didn't have the screen-face part.)
Wave also could transmit text over a bot's typical comm systems without them having to be close to read.
They developed, as well, some signs and gestures, which members of SB-7 (Sliptream, Shadow Striker, and Ravage) recognized best in order to translate if needed.
They could also still partially assimilate bots to borrow their voices. With smaller bots, this would often look like they were either disappearing into Wave (Ravage just fading into the shadow and Wave's leg and disappearing) or docking across a part of their frame (Garboil's wings forming a chestplate). When they would do this, some of the other bot's mannerisms and tone would add to Wave's, so Ravage would lend a deep, commanding manner and voice, while Garboil lent a higher, fussy, northern-accented voice.
They also have an apartment above a 'space bar' when not hanging out on the Death's Head or with SBC, so it's implied they also hook up for various cyberspace interactions (which, is something Animated Soundwave might do).
Nonverbal Soundwave and Ravage who translates for him whenever he gets frustrated by sign language (he signs too fast for anyone not fluent to translate easily)
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gxr25256 · 4 months ago
The Doorless Cage - Seekers x reader (2)
🌵 Tranformers (Post-Apocalyptic AU).
🌵 The Decepticons have conquered Earth, leaving humanity in ruins.
🌵I'll try this for a bit. Remember: I'm not very good at it 👀.
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Skywarp had always found patrols to be mind-numbingly dull. The ruined city sprawled out before him, a desolate wasteland devoid of life—exactly as they wanted it. They’d swept through this place more times than he could count, tearing down every last sign of resistance, yet still, Megatron insisted they make rounds, “in case anything survived.”
But Skywarp knew better. The humans were all but extinct, their brief, flickering rebellion snuffed out, leaving him, Thundercracker, and Starscream wandering empty streets with only the wind and rubble for company. Thundercracker trudged along somewhere behind him, too lost in thought to complain as he usually did. And Starscream was further ahead, stalking through the ruins with his optics cold and sharp.
Skywarp sighed, glancing down a dark alley, then at a broken tower across the street. His teleportation circuits hummed with potential energy, itching to be used for anything other than walking these streets. Part of him wanted to zap right back to base and tell Thundercracker and Starscream he’d “scouted” the rest of the city, but he knew that would only bring more boredom. And, of course, Starscream would berate him for leaving his post, and Skywarp wasn’t in the mood for another lecture from his second-in-command.
Then, he heard it—a faint, barely-there sound, muffled and distant, but unmistakable.
It was like catching the scent of prey on the wind, and for a moment, Skywarp’s optics brightened with excitement. He slowed his steps, creeping closer to the sound’s source—a half-fallen building just across the street. A grin spread across his face, and his boredom evaporated. Maybe there was a human left to torment after all. With a bit of luck, he could finally have some fun.
Skywarp stopped just outside the building, letting his heavy footsteps echo against the cracked walls, then pausing as if he were about to enter. He listened for any reaction from inside, and sure enough, he heard a frantic rustling, followed by absolute silence. They knew he was there, and they were hiding.
With exaggerated slowness, he moved a few steps forward, then stopped again, allowing the suspense to build. He could only imagine the terror that must be coursing through the human’s veins, the way they’d be shrinking into the shadows, praying he wouldn’t find them.
But Skywarp was done playing subtle.
With a resounding clang, he struck the wall, letting his servo drive through the structure and tear the roof off with a violent pull. Dust and debris flew into the air, and Skywarp’s optics zeroed in on the small figure crouched below, eyes wide with terror. The human screamed, and he grinned, reveling in the sound.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” he drawled, his optics gleaming. He reached down, massive fingers wrapped around the human body with brutal force. He lifted them off the ground, letting them wriggle in his grip as he gave them a rough squeeze, just enough to remind them of their fragility.
The human stilled, frozen in fear, and Skywarp chuckled, drawing them closer until they were at optic level.
“Looks like someone’s been playing hide-and-seek,” he sneered. “Too bad for you—I always win, mouse."
Skywarp’s optic gleamed with cruel delight as he brought the tiny human up to his face, studying them with the kind of mocking curiosity one might show an insect caught in a jar. His grip was loose but deliberate, giving them enough room to wriggle and squirm, knowing that any attempt to break free was hopeless.
He tilted his hand back, causing the human to slip toward the edge of his fingers, a startled gasp escaping them as they scrambled to find a hold. Just as they were about to slip, he flattened his palm, catching them with a satisfied chuckle.
“Aw, did you think you’d fall?” he sneered, lifting them to eye level. He twisted his wrist so they dangled precariously, just far enough from his fingers that they’d have to struggle to keep their balance. The sheer terror in their eyes only amused him further, and he leaned in close, his voice a low, mocking whisper.
“Oh, don’t look so scared. I won't drop you......at least not now." He loosened his grip again, watching with twisted glee as they gripped his metal fingers in desperation, their breaths coming fast and shallow.
Skywarp found himself thoroughly entertained by the way they trembled, the faint spark of defiance in their eyes already waning as he continued his taunts. He nudged them with his thumb, pressing them back against his palm, ignoring their gasp of pain as he applied a bit more pressure.
As he toyed with his new prize, he heard familiar footsteps approaching from behind. He glanced over his shoulder, just as Starscream and Thundercracker appeared around the corner.
“What are you doing, Skywarp?” Starscream’s voice was dripping with annoyance as he stalked up to them. His red optics narrowed, taking in the sight of the human in Skywarp’s grip. “I thought we were on patrol, not indulging your ridiculous whims.”
Skywarp merely smirked, holding up the human for them to see. “Oh, lighten up, Starscream. Look what I found—a little survivor. Thought we’d gotten rid of all of them, but I guess there’s still a few stragglers.”
Starscream’s gaze shifted to the trembling human,his face wrinkled. He lifted his arm, aiming his null ray at them. “Then let’s finish the job. I don’t have time for your games.”
Skywarp rolled his optics, drawing the human back just out of range of Starscream’s weapon. “Where’s the fun in that? The city’s already dead, so what’s one little human running around? Think of it as entertainment. It’ll give us something to do.”
Starscream scoffed, crossing his arms. “An amusement? It’s a disgusting organic.”
Skywarp shrugged, his grip tightening on the human to keep them still. “Maybe, but it's better than walking around looking for nothing. Besides, it’s got a decent scream.”
Thundercracker sighed, casting a skeptical glance at the human. “Megatron’s not gonna be happy if he finds out we’re keeping a pet. Besides, I thought you hated organics.”
“Eh, this one’s different,” Skywarp glancing back at the human, who was clinging to his fingers, staring at him with a mixture of horror and disbelief. “I mean, look at them. They’re pathetic. If they try anything, I can just…squeeze.” He gave the human a light, taunting squeeze, chuckling as their face paled.
“Besides, if they become a problem, we can always crush them later. But for now, let’s see if they can last. It’ll be like…a game.” Skywarp added, a gleam of mischief in his optics.
Thundercracker’s optics narrowed, clearly unimpressed by Skywarp’s twisted idea of amusement. “A game?” he muttered, shaking his head. “You’re playing with scraps from a dead world.” His voice held a hint of disdain, but under it lay a reluctant curiosity. “It’s just going to run, hide, and scream.”
Skywarp shrugged, still grinning as he dangled the human, watching them squirm. “Exactly! That’s what makes it fun, Thundercracker. It’s like… a pet with spirit,” he taunted, giving the human another playful shake. “Or at least, until they break. They’ve got nothing left to lose, right?” He tilted his head, eyeing the human’s wide, terrified eyes with twisted fascination. “Why not see how long they’ll last?”
Starscream rolled his optics. “Skywarp, if you’re this bored, maybe I should assign you extra patrols.” He sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm
“But since you insist on this ridiculous game, I suppose it could be… mildly interesting to see just how long this one lasts.” He shot a disdainful look at the human. “Seeing it fall apart was quite a sight to behold.”
Thundercracker snorted “Since when did you get interested in playing with organic matter?” he muttered, though he didn’t move to stop Skywarp. “They’re just a reminder of what this place used to be—a waste.”
Starscream huffed, optics narrowing as he scoffed at Thundercracker's objections. "Shut up! I never did." He replied. In a moment of consideration, he spoke up. "And is that a waste? Think of it as… a way to pass the time. After all, the planet’s dead. Might as well use the leftovers.”
Thundercracker sighed, looking away. “Fine, but don’t expect me to take part in this.” But there was still a glimmer of curiosity in his optics—if unwilling to admit it—to see how long this human might survive under their “care.”
Skywarp chuckled, clearly pleased with his trinemates’ grudging acceptance. “See? It’ll be good for morale.” He leaned closer to the human, his voice dropping to a mocking whisper. “Congratulations—you get to stay alive… for now. Better keep us entertained, though, or we’ll get bored.”
“Let’s go,” Starscream ordered, turning to walk ahead. “If we linger, Megatron will think we’re slacking off.”
As the three Seekers turned to leave, the human still firmly in Skywarp’s grip, Starscream’s voice cut through the quiet. “Remember, Skywarp: this is your little ‘pet.’ If they become a nuisance, it’s on you to clean up the mess.” But his smirk revealed that he, too, was already looking forward to the twisted amusement their new “pet” might bring.
Skywarp is fun, right?
"I can just…squeeze." 🤫
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karanseraph · 8 months ago
I just needed a throw-away line
But I guess I gotta world-build Polyhex now, even though no one goes there for chapters. I need the unnamed stronghold to be named and to know what the closest place to recreate after installing hardware there would be.
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Some of this will be headcanon for me to use in a fic, but it's mostly based on various canon (thanks @tfwiki ) which I blend and simmer into continuity soup.
Polyhex is a Province. It has a Governor. It also has a number of Barons. They aren't really land-owners, but more like captains of industry, who coincidentally lord over certain cities within Polyhex Province according to where their industry is based. The Province, along with Tagan Heights to its west, forms the northeastern quadrant of Cybertron, and it is north of the Sea of Rust.
(It does not, in this soup continuity, include Darkmount, which is its own separate and quaint, touristy The Village at Darkmount now, south of the Sea of Rust)
Some of the cities associated with Polyhex are:
Kaon - Doing its own autonomous enclave thing at the southwest edge of the Province. The Governor does not approve.
New Polyhex City
Polyhex Minor
Upper Petrohex
Lower Petrohex
The Dead End (in the north, near neighboring Rodion)
Geological features may include:
a canyon
a cliff (some Baron probably has a house on it)
energon crystal fields (farmed)
Sea of Rust coastal sulfur bogs (probably threatened by industry)
Automica sparkfield
The Province, apparently, enjoys sports and/or someone wants to distract the populace:
gladiatorial combat (of various levels of repute)
Other features and structures:
transport complex Ohm (rail, in this case)
Dodecahex Arena (for all the sports, or future State Games)
a stronghold (above, purple) possibly "The Polydrome"?
fancy offices (above, white) possibly "Whitemount"? At various points in history this has been a temple and/or occult event space and/or nightclub.
fuel/energon refineries
fuel/energon stores
a toll plaza on the Titanium Turnpike
(at some point) time travel?
At least one oil house with a "hex" wordplay name (The Hex & Decimal, The Hex Nut, The Hoary Hexflake?)
(Polyhex does not have a space bridge in this continuity, because we already established it is in neighboring Hydrax to the southeast. And "we don't talk about Spanner".)
Some types of residents:
a Governor
turbofoxes (more prevalent since mechanimal-rights bots stopped practice of hunting for trophies)
Maximals who just happen to have tall, pointy audio receptors and are tired of getting shot at
"mudflaps" who shoot at anything vaguely turbofox-shaped near their energon farm
big-city bots who call farmers "mudflaps"
in the north, cryo-condors
in the south, rust-foxes/ferrics
in the cities and coast area, retrorats
in country homes, glitch-mice
somewhere, cog-crickets
bats, probably
There's also about 18-ish named characters who may be associated with Polyhex if not definitely from there. I'm wondering how many "Disappeared" names can work as Baron names or if I will need to search for other fancy, named characters to play the roles of Barons. (Not to be confused with any named Senators, who are making a mess of things over in rival region Iacon.)
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doshi-sukiru · 3 months ago
Hi I loved all the headcanons about SGTFOne, can we get some more MegOP hcs? (I may be just a little obsessed)
Does OP know that Megatron is having his sparkling? Or does he think that someone else in the high guard is the sire, and that’s another part of why he’s so desperate to get Megs back?
What would he do if he did get his servos on Megatron?
What do the other primes think of what’s going on? Are they aware of how much OP is sinking and try to get him to chill out, or are they in full support of him?
Does Starscream know that he and Skyfire have a sparkling?
What does the general Iacon public think of the angsty soap opera that is the MegOP situation?
I LOVED the other headcanons you wrote!!! Thank you so much for your brain coming up with all this!!
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There are some NSFW hcs mixed in here!
Megop hcs!:
Optimus as Orion was an oddball by the other miners. Mainly seen as an outcast by many for his reckless behavior and high desire to be 'more than what we are', D-16 was the only one to both support him and befriend him. Losing him scared him, because he was sure he'd never find such a wonderful mech like him.
They had a small relationship during their time as miners, and would go on dates on their rare day offs (usually ending with some 'fun' before recharge).
When Megatron and the high guard tried to stop Optimus and Elita from getting the people to basically destroy the city recklessly, Optimus angrily claimed Megatron was trying to defend Sentinel's actions with the high guard, and through a fit of anger Optimus immediately had them banished. It was the first time Megatron felt betrayed by Optimus, and cried the first night on the surface.
Orion was always gentle with D-16 when they slept together. Optimus is still gentle, but will occasionally go rough if Megatron tries to steer the moment to trying to end the war.
As I mentioned before, Optimus sees Megatron as a hostage of war, and thus doesn't hold back in battle, hoping to save him.
Megatron sees Optimus as someone blinded by anger and greed and wants to convince him in some way without killing anymore bots.
Whenever Optimus successfully captures Megatron, or one of the Autobots do and bring him to him, he keeps him in his private chambers and spoils him while purposefully calling him 'D-16' and not 'Megatron'. Megatron hates it.
Megatron does not know about the bust, and Megatronus will not tell him either for his sake. Optimus is the only living mech that knows of it, and will keep it that way for life.
This is based off of a SG story that I skimmed over when going over sg Cliffjumper's story (world-building purposes, I can't find it anymore) - the first time Optimus ever actually got Megatron in his hold was by Cliffjumper successfully brainwashing him to obediently follow Optimus's command. He was 'happy' until Bee killed Cliffjumper, freeing Megatron from the brainwashing and helping him escape safely. This is also what caused Bee to get his first 'strike'.
The second time Optimus gets Megatron is when he finds him injured during a surprise Quint attack, to which he made sure he was nursed back to health, while also keeping him locked on the table. He was found by Skywarp and Starscream and brought back to their base eventually.
Optimus doesn't know that Megatron is carrying his sparkling for a long time. When he first heard about it during a stealth mission to find Megatron again (spying on the Decepticons), he did think it was one of the High guards. He thought the worst, and immediately believed it was Starscream, before quickly hearing he was in fact, the sire.
Optimus believes that Megatron and his sparkling are now being treated worse because of the existence of a Prime's sparkling, and thus grows more dangerous in battle as a warning to the Decepticons, and demands they return Megatron to him.
Megatron surrenders himself when he finds out Optimus is getting out of control, and hopes that this sparkling will bring peace in some way.
Megatron is much more emotionally sensitive pregnant, and will cry at the littlest of things. Someone bumped into him by accident? A fountain. He dropped some energon? A puddle at his feet. He starts feeling the sparkling move in him? A fucking flood. Optimus coddles him so much more though.
A massive Quint attack caused them to separate, and in that time, Megatron decided it to follow the high guard back to the surface to help Optimus and stop the Quints for good. Optimus misinterprets that as Megatron getting stolen by the high guard, leading to more misunderstandings that it hurts.
Extra hcs that aren't Megop related:
Because this is sg but still following the original storyline, the primes themselves hold some form of twisted desires of their own. The one who holds the matrix encourages this behavior depending on the holder, which right now is OP. Liege encourages his silver tongue attitude to keep the people under his obedience. Prima helps him find patience in order to strike down any enemy with enough force that they, and anyone who gets to witness it, learn not to mess with him. Alpha Trion will guide his thought process to make more powerful plans to leave a large amount of damage to the Quints. Megatronus is also affected by it when he appears through the matrix, sometimes encouraging Optimus to show no mercy in battle.
Starscream did not know about Skyfire being sparked, mainly because Skyfire suddenly disappeared one day without anyone knowing. Only during his rescue mission did he find Skyfire, and learned about the sparkling. He was tempted to stay, and Skywarp was willing to let him leave for their child, but when they got caught and Starscream nearly got shot by Rachet, he quickly rejected and escaped for safety.
Starscream will occasionally sneak into Iacon with Skywarp's ability to visit Skyfire and spend some time together. He understands Skyfire's decision, and will not stop him from raising their sparkling in the city, if only because of better resources, but only asks that their child does not grow up and forced to pick a side. This war is theirs, and theirs to die with, not to pass on.
To Iacon, the high guard are traitors that seek to ruin them like how Sentinel did, and forced Megatron to join their side when Optimus became Prime because they were 'savage mechs that desired power and greedy bastards', and knew of their relationship when they were on the surface. (OP's words)
Some Autobots don't buy that story, and will actively try to kill Megatron because of Primus's conscious desire to kill Megatron.
And thank you! I always love it when I meet people who want to know more!
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